
What life was like when Emily Dickinson was alive

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Emily Dickinson Compared to Modern Day
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Tell All The Truth But Tell It Slant
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When Emily was born the world was already in a quick pace of developing new technology. Such as the first steel plow being invented in 1837, the first photo ever taken in 1839 and the patent for the grain reaper in 1834. There were many important historical event included. There were also Events outside of the United States such as the July revolution in Paris when King Charles the X attempted to suspend the constitution to overturn the recent French election. Also this inspired Belgium to instate their own constitution and rose up against Dutch rule. These events were changing the world but in America they had the Indian removal act. This allocated funds to negotiate with the Indians regarding their removal from the southern states. Many wars took place in the early life of Emily including the Black Hawk War, the second Seminole war, and the Aroostook war.



In Emily’s most prime years of learning and growth there were many wars and relovolutions going on because land was so open and crucial. Sense people in America started moving west cause of manifest destiny and soon gold mines were discovered in California the Oregon Trail formed and much of America was being discovered. The telegraph was discovered and this inclined communication dramatically. Many countries broke-out in revolutions as much of the new world order started to form. U.S. was in war with Mexico and two major orchestras were founded (New York philharmonic and the Vienna philharmonic both founded in 1842).



        During Emily’s early adult life, slavery in the U.S. was starting to become a great deal of conflict. In 1851 the first blood was spilt as a result from slavery. There was much dispute over American soil including the Kansas-Nebraska act of 1854-this repealed the Missouri compromise of 1820. This ultimate led to the civil war and there was a lot of tension rising. In 1850 the first national women convention was held in Massachusetts. This was big leap for women to be seen as equal and helped pave the way for bigger things to come. Possibly could have also inspired Dickinson. Also Darwin published his book “origin of Species” in 1859 with theory of evolution.


        When Emily was about middle aged America was a very different place then when she was younger. During this time were the most crucial years of the civil war and would determine the future of America. This was the peak of the civil war and the major battle took place. These included the battle of Bull Run in 1861, battle of Antietam in 1862, and the battle of Gettysburg. The civil war ended in 1965 on April 2nd. Soon after this president Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by john Wilkes booth. Also the region of Alaska was purchased by the U.S. and congress passed the 13th and 15th amendment. Louis pastuers invented pasuerization. The decade after the civil war was quite different. Technology made a huge leap with inventions such as the telephone in 1876 by Alexander graham bell, and the phonograph and electric light invented by Thomas Edison.


             In the last years of Emily’s life the 19th century was closely coming to an end. The world seemed to be a violent time at this point. in 1881 Alexander II the czar of Russia was assassinated by a bomb on march 13th and president Garfield was shot on July 2nd, killing him. Much of the continent Africa was in the process of being established as Congo became a free state and Germany claimed Tanzania, and Britain invaded Egypt. The world transformed in such a different way than when Emily was a child. I believe much of this inspired emily.